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Mona Noriega

Chair and Commissioner

Ms. Noriega was appointed to the Commission by Governor Pritzker in June 2021. Noriega previously served as the Commissioner and Board Chair of the City of Chicago's Commission on Human Relations. Civil rights protections under Noriega's guidance were expanded under the City of Chicago's anti-discrimination ordinances to include credit history and military status as protected categories and to include protections for gender non-conforming individuals when accessing public spaces that are private in nature. Noriega helped open the Midwest Regional Office of Lambda Legal Defense, which advances the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered, and people living with HIV/AIDS, and later served as its Midwest Regional Director. A seasoned community activist, Noriega was Comptroller Mendoza's 2020 LGBTQ PRIDE Honoree. Noriega earned a Bachelor of Arts from Northeastern Illinois University, a Master of Business Administration from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Master of Arts from the University of Illinois at Chicago.